Skin & Anti-ageing


Injected fillers are primarily used to improve the appearance of the skin's texture. It can help fill out deep facial wrinkles, creases and furrows, skin depressions, and some types of scars. It can also be used to give a fuller, more sensuous look to the lips. Fillers are not usually sufficient for severe surface wrinkles on the face, such as multiple vertical "lipstick lines" that sometimes form around the mouth.

Before Fillers Treatment

Prior to the start of treatment, you will be seen in the office for a consultation and evaluation by us. At this time we will discuss your goals and desires for treatment, and go over any concerns or questions you may have.

The Injected Fillers Procedure

The fillers are injected using a fine needle inserted at several points along the edge of the site. Overfilling is necessary to allow for absorption in the weeks following treatment. You may feel a slight stinging or burning as the site is injected. However, most people report the injections to be of only minor discomfort.

Results of Fillers Injections

Most patients resume normal activities following treatment inspite of some temporary puffiness over the area. Generally, within a few days, this will resolve and the material is no longer visibly distinguishable from the surrounding skin.

Can the augmentation be made permanent?

The results of your filler injection will vary for each individual as will the length of time it will last. Some patients have reported their treatment lasting a year or longer, while others report a duration of only 3-6 months. Therefore, repeated injections may be necessary. We will discuss with you how to maintain your results with repeated treatments.

Natural Permanent Fillers

Fat Injection
Using one's own fat cells to augment and fill defects is a time-tested and safe option. Results are permanent. Touch-ups may be required in a few patients. Fat is harvested by liposuction using special techniques and processed to remove tissue debris and injected as beads in layers to increase viability. There is no chance of allergy or rejection. Works well for hollow under eyes, deep lines, and sunken cheeks.
Tissue grafts
Dermafat, dermis, fascia, and muscle are viable permanent fillers. They are most useful in lip augmentation. Although this is not non-surgical, the fact that the results are permanent makes it an attractive option. Grafts can be harvested from locations where the incisions can be well hidden.

Synthetic Permanent Fillers

Permanent fillers can cause suboptimal results with a lumpy feel. Granulomas can form within tissue with some of the fillers. Removal of a permanent filler would be extremely difficult if necessary US FDA has not yet approved any permanent synthetic filler for clinical use.


Aquamid™ is a transparent, injectable polyacrylamide gel for the correction of soft tissue deficiencies and tissue augmentation. The sterile gel consists of sterile water bound to 2.5 % cross-linked polyacrylamide and does not contain microparticles.
After the injection of Aquamid™, a thin layer of the body’s own connective tissue surrounds the gel, enabling Aquamid™ to become a stable part of the connective tissue. Aquamid™ can be removed shortly after the injection if necessary. If the gel has to be removed at a later stage, a minor surgical procedure might be necessary, the success rate of which is variable.


Comprised of Plexigas beads in fillers, Artecoll is a "permanent" filler that is expected to last at least 5 years or more.

DermaLive / DermaDeep

One of the newer fillers, DermaLive and DermaDeep is a combination of hyaluronic acid and acrylic hydrogel, which are minute particles; fillers build around the particles, giving the fillers their volume. DermaLive is used for augmenting lips and smoothing out deep wrinkles.
DermaDeep is very effective on nasolabial folds and for chin and cheek augmentation.

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